Yes, that’s it. I will give you another metaphor. It is just like lightning. It branches off into plenty of different strands, and it is always unclear which one will “hit” the ground. Time works the same way. All of humanity project themselves into the future, some imagine a bleak end of the world scenario, but all it takes is a handful of people to know that all is going to be alright for “steering” this collective story in the right direction. Out of a soup of hydrogen atoms, a star will form, out of a soup of amino acids and proteins the first living cell will form, out of a chaotic human society, something beautiful and harmonious, much grander and amazing than our wildest dreams will form. Be in Peace! You have already succeeded. By what you have told me of your way of thinking and living, you are already exactly who you were meant to be. All that remains, is letting go of doubt/fear, not about God, but about the fact that it’s all going to be all right! :-)