Well, you can “talk” to anything, even your toilet paper. Everything is “intelligent”. The only problem is that it doesn’t speak in your language, and we have the tendency to “project” our human consciousness upon all other things. Like for instance, we think that a tree is “sad” or afraid of being cut down. But it’s consciousness is completely different from ours. A rock, for instance, perceives time so slowly that from it’s perspective, we don’t even “exist”. It is like if something existed for the time that it takes you to blink. You would not even perceive it’s existence. So in other words, you can get “information” about anything from anything, but your own consciousness better be very “flexible”, and allow yourself to be open to perceive being other things that your body.. And that is not something accessible to just anyone. I know a few people who have those abilities. The most powerful one, is a guy named Christophe Allain, but he’s French… But he can really “talk” to anything. From my side, the question I asked when I was in this altered state of consciousness was “What is the truth?” And I got my answers. But they are very “high level” as you can read… They don’t concern the daily lives of people. It’s the “big picture”. It doesn’t help me pay my bills. It just gives life a broader meaning and allows me to live without too much stress, take things a bit more “lightly”. Before my chaotic awakening, I was extremely pessimistic, almost “survivalist”, stocking up on fresh water and rice to survive a world war III nuclear attack or a complete collapse of the financial system. Now I can look at all of those events and understand that they are but symbolic representations for something much “greater”. In this case: the “birth” of humanity (more on that in my subsequent articles…) :-)