Well, that’s something which remains something of a “mystery”, relatively speaking to me.
The few messages I received about consciousness is that it is a “nested” property just like these “layers”.
Self-awareness is key here. Once a “layer” has become fully “self aware” of itself (understanding itself, reverse engineer itself), then it becomes fully conscious and fully “ordered” displacing chaos upwards to the “next” layer.
The brain does not hold consciousness, it processes it. To me, there is but ONE Universal Consciousness, the consciousness which is full-self awareness of the ALL. And what we think of as our consciousness is the same as a “sub-thread” inside a processor. It’s a “virtual” process which, ultimately, is part of a whole.
You are trying to find out where does it come from, this one Universal Consciousness. My second article, about perfect symmetry, holds some answers: from the void, the ALL will inevitably emerge.
So basically, there is pure consciousness, pure self-awareness, pure creation power, pure thought… And it gets “processed” by the layers I talked about which only express a tiny fraction of this otherwise infinite consciousness for the purpose of keeping perfectly symmetrical realities apart. Once a “layer” has achieved full consciousness/self-awareness, it has reverse engineered the “rules” which apply to it, and it can no longer serve as a form of “interference” for perfect symmetry. Imagine that at a certain point in time, the laws of physics were not settled yet, and atoms would act “irrationally” (think quantum physics but even more chaotic). The emergence of the laws of physics equate the same as if each atom was 100% self-aware of what it is and acted as such.
I don’t know if it helps. Consciousness, it’s emergence, is still not something I can fully grasp. But one thing is for sure: it is not produced by the brain! It’s like looking inside the radio for the radio man… :-)