Well, I think that basically, if ETs get here, they would be so evolved the we would not even know what we are seeing. Our minds would create some representation to help us understand, but it wouldn’t be “real”. The probing stories are the same thing. How do animals experience going to the vet? We assume that we are at the highest level of consciousness, but to ETs, they may consider us as just slightly more sophisticated apes, and thus they would see no problem in taking us for a ride to make a few tests to learn more about us, just like rangers in a wild life park would put a giraffe to sleep to see how it was doing. But that’s just scratching the surface of how complex this issue might actually be.. in reality, there is a level of sophistication here that requires being very open minded.. you see, some of those probing stories are actually ETs which are looking after one of them which has chosen to incarnate in a human to have a human experience, and they are simply checking out on him. But because incarnating in a human means forgetting everything and your connection with the universe, the ego inhabiting the body might experience that as a kidnapping while the soul might be delighted to see it’s brothers and sisters. :-)