That’s quite accurate. Since we are part of the All, then our relative purpose that we define right now is as “true” as we think it is. But again, the principle of perfect symmetry may serve as a more universal purpose. That is, you NEED a “universe” out of all possible universes in infinity which has free will in order for infinity to experience itself. Otherwise, it would cancel itself out instantly. If you really understand infinity then you will realize that for any experience there has to exist a counter experience which neutralizes the first one. For instance, at a certain point in time, you can trust you right hand forward. But at the same time there also exists a situation where you thrust it backwards, which brings you back to the “center”, immobility. That’s something that most esoteric and spiritual teachings agree on: the fact that God is the void and sits in perfect stillness. When you are Infinite in all possible ways, then it is the same as being nothing. Once you understand that, you’ve pretty much understood everything (and nothing lol).
I’ll leave you with a metaphor: when you follow the instructions of your GPS, which instruction is “true”? Maybe it depends where you are on the road.. “past” instructions and “future” instructions are “false” from your perspective, but ultimately, all of them are “true”. That is the difference between relative and absolute points of view. Notice that is God, being infinity, takes all possible directions given by the GPS at the same time, and so God ends up going nowhere (he turns simultaneously to the right and to the left, goes at the same time forward as backward…)