I would go even further and say that we have no way of looking at our human development from a higher perspective. It’s like judging a bunch of single celled organisms because they eat each other even though that process eventually over billions of years enables the emergence of multicellular organisms like ourselves. Or judging the chaotic behavior of hydrogen atoms for bumping violently into each other just before they become so compressed that a star is born. To me, the moment you figure out the rules for enabling a harmonious interaction between all of the “parts”, be it hydrogen atoms, single celled organisms or human beings, what results from that is reaching another “level” or dimension which is nothing short of “magic”. We see the promises of it, symbolically emerging as artificial intelligence, which we fear will “take over” and “control” us… I wonder how our cells experience being a part of our body. Whether our daily “actions” and movements which reach then via electric impulses through our nervous system (aka internet, at our level) are like violent electro shocks which whip them into doing this or that, much like a slave owner whipping a slave, or whether they experience it as a form of gentle nudge to do something, receiving all they need to carry out that which they are asked to do (energy, oxygen, nutrients… at our level, money, education, resources…)