Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response. I fully agree, it’s a “magical” moment! It is equivalent to the emergence of the first star out of a heap of hydrogen atoms, or the first living cell out of a sea of amino acids and proteins.
But don’t worry. It’s all going to be fine. :-)
Indeed, it is time that we consciously manage this symbolic reality. The truth is, this symbolic reality is there for a reason: that of navigating in infinity. Without it, we would be lost.
Here are some little pointers, however, translating symbolic reality:
- Fossil fuels and transition to “renewable” energies or rather revolutionary energies translates to the same process as that of cutting the umbilical cord (we are currently consuming our mothers’ blood, aka oil), and taking our first breath of air (which can manifest symbolically in our reality as nuclear fusion, zero point energy or whatever)
- Pollution, nuclear waste, pesticides etc are a symbolic representation for what happens to a baby which stays too long in the womb. As you may know, if the baby stays too long in the womb past the “due” date, he/she may suffocate in… his own excrements.
- Climate change, tornadoes, earth quakes are a symbolic representation for contractions of the “birth” process.
- All of the teachings from Jesus to human rights simply mirror how each and every cell of our body behaves with other cells. We are supposed to behave like one global organism.
- The separation between the placenta (which can be up to 1/3 of the baby’s weight) and the baby translates symbolically as the separation of those who will stay in the “old” paradigm, experiencing a “end of the world” scenario from their perspective, and those who will be part of that global organism. Before birth, the baby and placenta can be thought of as one single organism. Upon birth, it is as if you uploaded two different operating systems to a huge network of computers which are incompatible with each other, and can no longer communicate with each other. This is what the Biblical texts refer to in the “rapture” or the “judgement day”. It’s not judgement. It’s just a normal process of “sorting” those who can behave like one cell in a global organism, in peace and harmony, and those who can’t. And there is no “good” vs. “evil” notion here. The placenta was very much necessary. It’s all about what you want to experience in infinity.
- The “great flood” is what happens once the baby is out of the womb. It’s a process of “cleansing” whatever is left inside the womb and a gradual return to “normal” in order to host “life” again. I’m not sure if we are Mother Earth’s first born, but one thing is for sure: it’s pointless to look for “evidence” of our brothers and sisters in this reality. It’s as silly as a baby looking for “traces” or evidence of his brothers and sisters while still in the womb. So in other words, Mother Earth’s “3D” appearance is going nowhere, just as the womb of a women doesn’t disappear once the baby is born. However, the womb definitely “resets” in a way or another which in our reality, for those that “stay behind”, can manifest as cataclysmic events. So it’s a consciousness shift we will experience, in order to interact with Mother Earth from the “outside”.
- Also, we create on the outside what we can inherently do on the inside. 3D printing is a symbolic representation for materializing things with our thoughts. Cell phones are a symbolic representation for telepathic powers. Augmented reality is a symbolic representation for interacting with beings of other dimensions and challenge our 3D reality and what is “real”. All of these “outside” symbolic representations are like training wheels or guard rails which are there to allow humanity to “grow” into it’s true nature gradually, and learn to “do” these things responsibly (instead of just awaken those abilities, and use them irresponsibly)
- Finally, the story of Adam and Eve is a symbolic story of the reproduction process of humans. Adam/Eve is a women’s egg. The garden of Eden is the womb. The apple and snake represent the spermatozoa (the snake being it’s tail, and the apple, it’s head). When the egg (Adam/Eve) takes a “bite” out of the “apple”, tempted by the “snake” (when the egg swallows the head of the spermatozoa), then Adam and Eve are “kicked out of the garden of Eden” (after 9 months). They should be “prolific” (just look at cell multiplication after an egg has been fertilized). The tower of babel story is simply that of the diversification of cells from being stem cells to specialized cells (specializing into diverse organs which are meant to cooperate, just like each country/parts of the world can be thought of organs in “humanity’s” global organism).
The metaphors/allegories are infinite…
It will happen soon, and it will be beautiful. We will finally get the “answer” as to why we are “alone” in the Universe… Why the “silence” from our Galactic brothers and sisters. Well, they are waiting for us as mid-wives and doctors on the “other side”. :-D
It’s just as Carl Sagan was explaining in his “flat land” story. We are about to become “4 dimensional beings”. That is what it feels like moving from MS DOS to Windows I guess…
Cheers! How fortunate are we to witness these moments!