4 min readMar 19, 2019


Hi Jon,

Are you looking for a “definite” answer?

If so, then I have one for you…

Reality is just an interface our brains simulate in order for “pockets of self contained self-aware information” (aka humans) to interact with other “pockets of self-contained information”.

If you decompose matter to it’s most basic components, beyond sub-particles, you will find that all is just energy/vibration. Which means that all of the “intermediary” levels that we came up with (sub-particles, atoms, molecules, cells…) are just forms we give to pure information. It is the exact same process for interacting with a computer. The only reality is 0 and 1. But no one interacts with a computer using binary code. We would go nuts! So our brains create a convenient “interface” for us to interact with “reality” (pure energy/information) in a convenient way, just like we created several “intermediary” languages between binary code and the interface of an operating system.

I wrote an article about this if you’re interested:

Now, the more interesting part is: do you think your body exists? Or is it also part of the interface? :-)

And the answer is… it’s also part of the interface. Actually, our body is a visual representation of the “power of influence” we have over reality (giving reality a given shape aka, moving objects around etc). We don’t actually touch anything. Even basic physics tell us that the atoms of our hands never “touch” the atoms of any object that we hold! There is as much “empty space” between the last atom at the tip of our finger and the first atom of the object we pick up as between our sun and a remote solar system some thousand light years away!

In fact, this is how we interact with reality:

Whenever you move a finger, what really happens? This is where you have a “time paradox”.

On one level of reality, what happens is the following:

Your brain sends neurological signals to the muscles in the finger, which moves the finger into it’s new place. But is that really so? Don’t forget that you are not really asking your finger to move, you are sending a signal into brains nested inside one another so that they “update” reality (molded pure energy) to obey your command! You are asking the muscles to make your fingers move. The muscles ask the individual cells that compose them to move, the cells ask the molecules they are made up of to move, the molecules ask the atoms they are made of to move, the atoms ask the quarks/photons they are made of to move, the photons ask the energy that they are made of to move… Don’t forget that the scientific explanation about how matter moves stops at the atomic level. After that, theoretical physicists are still completely clueless as to “how” atoms actually “move” through “space”, and especially, at the Planck scale. Some assume that an atom simply “disappears” from one Planck unit of space and then reappears in another Planck unit of space as it is set in motion.

But on another level of reality, this is what happens:

Your brain actually sends a vibration, your thought, your intention, (the brain emits an electric signal) which is instantaneously picked up by the ocean of energy which it is made of and which everything is made of. The ocean of energy then commands the photon “brain” to update the hologram of photons of the entire Universe to reflect the “change” you have made to the “Matrix”, checking whether it is compatible or whether it interferes with the vibrations of other brains. If there is a “consensus”, it updates the photon layer, which then updates the quark layer, which updates the atom layer, which updates the molecules layer, which updates the cells layer, which updates the muscles layer, which makes your finger move, and sends a signal upward into your brain through the nervous system to make sure that your brain has updated it’s perception of reality and your brain can then “hallucinate” or simulate what happens between two points in time: one when your finger was in one place, and one where your finger is in another place, and “fill in the logical gap” by seeing your finger moving “forward” when in fact, it has instantly “teleported” or materialized itself in the future. You can thus describe our reality as being a collective hallucination produced by billions and billions of brains which send out their “intentions” of what they want the next “frame” of reality to look like into an infinite ocean of pure energy which can be “molded” into any shape or form (the same idea as the infinite number of parallel realities available to us at every single point in time).

In other words, it’s consciousnesses embedded one inside the other which makes the Universe “move”. The more “self-conscious” you are, the less “chaotic” your layer of logic is. If you are at the level of the photon, which are 100% self-conscious of who they “are” and what rules apply to them, there is 0 hesitation (and no free will) as to what the “next” frame of the Universe will be, but that also threatens the Universe of collapsing on itself. Whereas, if you’re a human, you hesitate all the time on what you should “do” in the future. You could say that whenever you do anything, be it typing on a computer or sitting on a chair, you are sending out millions and millions of “intentions” into “brains” nested inside one another on what you “think” the next frame of reality should be, and if it respects the laws of all of the “logic layers” before you, it gets updated to your liking. If you read my third article, on the nature of reality, you will understand that the Universe as we see it doesn’t exist. It is only an interface just like the operating system on your computer, which makes it easier for bundles of pure energy/information to interact with other bundles of pure energy/information.

Hope this sent you a little bit further down the rabbit hole… Welcome to Reality! ;-)




Written by Marma

Political thinker, amateur philosopher, crypto-enthusiast and recently awakened to a spiritual transcendental reality..

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