Hi Brian,
Nice article. I especially enjoyed the theory and work of Gates and his idea of “supersymmetry”. I have also written about this principle, in more philosophical terms. It’s best to start with more “basic” applications to this principle than starting to try and find evidence, in the “real world” for an anti-particle for every particle.
The principle of supersymmetry can be summarized by this basic explanation: “For everything that exists, it’s opposite must exist”. Instead of going straight to physics, it’s best to apply it to Math, as it’s the “purest” of all sciences. It obviously makes sense to say that if +1 exists, -1 has to exist. This is directly linked to the “puzzle” of theoretical physicists: explaining that you can have “something” out of “nothing”. If, by adding up everything that exists you get nothing (like adding up +1 and -1), then the Universe can be seen as “nothing” fooling around, pretending it’s “something” for a certain period of time, reverting back to “nothing” and back again (the infinite, cyclical expansion/compression theory).
This principle of supersymmetry can then be applied to vibrations or energy, which is one and the same thing. That is, if you have a certain vibration/oscillation, it’s opposite vibration (opposing phase) has to exist. Notice that quantum foam or quantum fluctuations very much look like a 3D bubbly chaotic state, as if vibrations and their opposite vibrations were continuously appearing and cancelling each other out. Indeed, the state of the “void” can be a continuous and chaotic creation/destruction of energy/vibration emerging from the unstable state of “nothingness” (an inherent property of the paradox of infinite “nothingness”, which cannot not produce this quantum foam).
Now comes the most important and interesting part: in an infinite space made up of quantum foam, there will necessarily be one point in space where, out of sheer randomness in infinity, a process of what I call transcendence occurs: the Universe finds a way to move beyond a continuous creation/destruction of vibrations by creating the photon. Basic physics tell us that photons behave like a wave and a particle. The “real” question is what does a photon really look like and what is it made of? Well, think about it: how do you transition from a state of chaotic quantum foam (chaotic vibrations/anti-vibrations) to a photon? You create a black hole made up of pure vibrations. So a photon is basically quantum foam with torque added to it, which allows the photon to become a self-contained set of vibrations/energy wrapped around itself in a double torus fashion. You could also say that a photon is simply a self-contained bundle of energy/information.
Now apply the same principle of supersymmetry to an infinite space made up of photons, and you start to get how this Universe functions. It is a permanent process of avoiding a superposition of two perfectly symmetrical “realities”. But you won’t find “proof” of this symmetry inside our Universe. This symmetry is outside of it.
Finally, I would like to tease you a bit. How fast do you think the first photon appeared out of the void? The answer is: it appeared instantly, in no time. Why? Because if you have an infinite void, then the probability that it appeared instantly is infinitely certain. And how about when did the first sub-particle, the first atom, the first star or even the first living cell appear? The point I’m trying to make, is that there will always be one place in the Universe where time flowed infinitely fast and all of it’s constitutive elements, laws, principles appeared instantly. That is what is at the very “center” of a black hole. Einstein’s principle of relativity is very useful here: time flows infinitely fast the more you get to the center of the black hole. This is where you get your “simulation” theory. You could say that our reality is simply a holographic projection of one possible “story” or timeline which leads to the center of a black hole, where all “logic layers of the Universe” (as I would call them) materialized instantly: atoms (the rules of physics), molecules (the rules of chemistry), living cells (the laws of biology), humans (whatever laws apply to human interactions)… Notice that chemistry can be seen as a “transcendence” of physics: moving from a state of the Universe where atoms would collide into one another in a chaotic way, to one where they would bind and form something more complex than the sum of their parts. And biology is a form of “transcendence” of chemistry: a living cell can be seen as a very complex, self replicating chemical reaction controlled in time. And humans can be seen as a transcendence of biology. And each layer doesn’t “break” the rules of the previous layer, but whatever can be “built” from that extra layer adds complexity to the Universe. You could ask: “but why”? Well, it’s simple. Go back to quantum foam and vibrations. In fact, do you really think the reality we perceive “exists”? After all, you could simply see each of these “layers” of reality (atoms, molecules, living cells…) as extra information added to a self-contained bundle of vibrations/energy. In short, the purpose of each layer is to be an ever more complex scrambling algorithm which prevents an otherwise perfectly symmetrical Universe from meeting it’s exact mirror image, and reverting back to “nothing” or a state of chaotic quantum foam.
To finish, I would like you to consider that this “Russian dolls” logic doesn’t end with us. Our cells are composed of trillions of atoms, and we are composed of trillions of cells… Don’t you think that each single human could be one “cell” inside a form of “living organism” which we are far from imagining? Of course, now we are getting metaphysical, but just consider for a minute, that if time flowed infinitely fast in one specific area in an infinite space of nothingness/quantum foam, then what we call “God” is simply an “ultimate future” which exerts a form of attraction on the void of space around itself, creating a form of “coherence” which leads, inescapably, to “manifest” all that it IS? In this regard, the only rule or rather, the only force which exists in the Universe is the force of attraction that the future exerts on the past, and all of the laws that we observe are but side-effects or byproducts of this one law. That is what explains that we exist. Why do you think humans “emerged”? Well, simulate the “story” of a solar system without us in it: a bunch of organic life eating itself for 5 extra billion years until the star goes super-nova and you start over. It’s a pointless, circular story. However, add “humans” (or rather, sentient self-conscious beings) in the mix and suddenly you can tell a bit more interesting story, one where we colonize the solar system, protect life from the Universe’s dangers (asteroids, natural catastrophes)…
I don’t know if you even bothered to read all this, it may all seem very far fetched. But if you have the patience, I invite you to read a series which I started to write last year, after a very weird experience I had. If you read it with an open mind, you may find that it offers an original point of view on science, our reality, religions, God etc..