Well, I have to use metaphors or symbols which people understand… aka murder = bad, healer = good… but as I say towards the end, all of these actions are ultimately vibrations/energy/information that you exchange with others. And once you’ve completed your exchange and are “complete", that is when you “awaken", understand God, the universe etc.
Let me try to give you some other metaphors: imagine that each person incarnates ONE note on a piano scale per incarnation, and during their incarnation, as they come into contact with other people who incarnate a different note, some form of “resonance" or chord is created between them, and each person feels that resonance from his own perspective. What we call “murder" may be a dissonant chord, but from the perspective of our soul, it is the same as “adding” a new note to it’s scale. When you “tuned" in successfully to one note, you can move on to the next. That is how some masters managed to complete an incarnation cycle and not have to come back: they managed to complete the “scale".
Yet another way to put it is this: you have to have played every role throughout your various incarnations in order to be able to recreate a movie which is complete. And that doesn’t mean that everyone has to be a murderer, all it means is that you have to achieve balance. This means that if you are in equanimity and non judgement, then you live your life in balance, not bringing too much “positive" energy or “negative” energy. And again, what we call positive and negative is our own creation. Animals do not have these notions, and notice that an ecosystem left alone will reach balance, because the actors (animals) of the movie ARE the movie… they understand the completeness, balance and interdependence of it all (probably on a subconscious level). However, we humans are “out of tune" with this symphony, and for good reason: because harmony means perfect symmetry which might, at least in my understanding, lead to a cancellation between two opposing universes.
It is hard to explain, but let’s assume that you killed someone and feel no regret whatsoever, nor joy, you feel like an actor who executed the script. Then you won’t have to “compensate" for that action, no karma is created. If you murder someone in self defence, then you’re already adding positive energy to your action by legitimizing it (I didn’t do anything wrong since I defended myself, therefore I’m in the “right"). By doing that, you just created an energetic or vibrational imbalance which has to be corrected. And so in another life, you’ll play the role of the attacker who is killed by someone in self defence. It’s not karma, it’s balance, it’s like if you “tune" a note too high or too low… you have to do the opposite tuning exercise to bring it in tune. I hope that’s clearer? :-)